Driver Problem on XP Home


Graeme Smith

I have just purchased a new computer and it worked
perfectly for a week and then all of a sudden it crashed
on me.

it has crashed on a number of occassions now and the same
error code keepd appearing

it is:

BCCode : 10000050 BCP1 : 8580104A BCP2 : 00000000
BCP3 : E2852E95 BCP4 : 00000000 OSVer : 5_1_2600
Sp : 1_0 Product : 768_1


can anyone help me out?


-----Original Message-----
I have just purchased a new computer and it worked
perfectly for a week and then all of a sudden it crashed
on me.

it has crashed on a number of occassions now and the same
error code keepd appearing

it is:

BCCode : 10000050 BCP1 : 8580104A BCP2 : 00000000
BCP3 : E2852E95 BCP4 : 00000000 OSVer : 5_1_2600
Sp : 1_0 Product : 768_1

C:\DOCUME~1\Cyril\LOCALS~1\Temp\WER1.tmp.dir00 \sysdata.xml

can anyone help me out?

Did you install an older game or older hardware on this
new computer. If so, a Minidump sounds like old data
storage. Hope you find help


A minidump log is a log that is produced by windows
containing information about a system failure. If you
can gain access to that log file, it will can information
that will help you to determine what caused the system

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