Driver for Summit Photofix Copier

Jan 3, 2010
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In conjunction with the bundled Photo Impression 6 Software I have used the Summit Photofix Copier to transfer Slides (Transparencies) and Photo Negatives onto my PC.

I previously used Windows Vista but have now installed Windows 7.

My problem is that the disc supplied with the Summit Photofix Copier only has Windows XP and Vista Drivers. The "Photofix" will not function.

I cannot find a “Summit” or “Photofix” Website to try and obtain a Windows 7 Driver. Can anyone assist me, please?
Have you tried installing the Vista driver?

Most Vista drivers will work with Win 7.

I'm using Vista drivers within Win 7 for both my Epson 4490 Scanner and Samsung CLP315 printer, for instance.
I loooked for over half an hour and lots of people have same problem

One person said he saw loads for sale on ebay...suggests lots of things I guess

Buy a proper flatbed with slide cartridge is suggested but thats upto you if you want to keep hunting. You might well be wasting you're time
Thank you, Floppybootstomp.

The procedure I followed was:

Connect Summit Photofix Copier (USB)
Insert Disc
Click “Camera Driver”
Install Wizard OVT Scanner X86
Successfully Installed
But when I open Photo Impression 6 the Photofix Copier is not recognised and I am unable to aquire images etc.
I have to say I am assuming it is a Driver issue (the hardware and application ran fine in Windows Vista)
The normal procedure is install the software first then plug in USB device, usually when prompted, but not always.

There are exceptions, my Samsung printer for one, that had to be connected prior to software installation.

Unless the setup instructions specifically said to connect the device first, try uninstalling the software - including any folders in Program Files - then with the device unplugged install the software then connect the device.

If that doesn't work then sadly it looks as though you won't be able to use your hardware with Win 7. Unless the manufacturer deigns to release some suitable drivers.

I had this problem. I recommend that you install vmplayer 3.1 which is free. This will allow you run your old O/S within wimdows 7

Theres no other way to do it
Can you not use the " Compatibility " mode in 7 ?
The guy made two posts.

The last one was in January.

Do we honestly think he's going to come back? :rolleyes:

The best solution is to just buy some new hardware and have done with it.

That, I'm afraid, is the very nature of computing.

Hardware, to match software - and this applies to all OS's, Windows, Apple Mac & Linux - has to be relatively up to date.