You may well find that HP do not support the deskjet 500C as they tend
to consider a printer like that is too old, -obsolete.
Years ago I sold a solicitor a deskjet 500 something. It did not have
any drivers for Wordperfect 5.1 (a dos based wordprocessor). When I
tried to get these drivers I was laughed at. As far as HP was
concerned WP5.1 was old technology and they had decided not to support
it at all. In the legal field many practitioners had spent much time
and effort having Wordperfect Macros written hence the extreme
popularity of WP5.1 Most of these macros would have been difficult
to convert to MS WORD. This being the case I had to refund his money
for the printer despite the packing box being destroyed or thrown out
and his typist persevered with her trusty old daisy wheel printer.