drive not responding on inserting disc

Apr 22, 2005
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Hello and goodevening.

Having a sort out found my old peecee, it has a small problem. Been using a Mac so long I've forgotten what to do. I work in a Mac filled graphics office and laptops are on hand for personal use at a modest price.

On inserting a disc in my peecee it says device not found. How do I define a device eg drive (A) drive (B) drive (C) etc. I seem to remember that you have to do this in the old DOS promt, or enter setup but have forgotten how.

Could any body help, Im putting it up for sale if can sort it.

appleibook1. :confused:
Hi. Me_2001
WIN 98 It's an old system. When I click on the CD Drive or the floppy drive an error measage says, A:\ not accessable device not ready
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It's not a Win 98 problem. I need to know how to set the drives as A B C in setup or DOS. I seem to remember that you have to define so the computer knows which drive is which.
That is not a Windows/DOS problem, they don't care.

If the BIOS does not 'see' any drives then they are either not connected or are faulty. If you tell the BIOS that no drives are connected ... it will beleive you.

Is there a make/model to this PC?
They are on the desktop just not responding. The make and model well if I tell you it has only a 1Gb HD and 24Mb RAM does that tell you any thing, PREHISTORIC comes to my mind. Back to the task in hand, how do I tell BIOS that they are actually there.
I take it you have a "short-cut" to the 'A' drive on the desktop ... then put a floppy in the drive and if it still does not 'see' anything use the "Window Key + E" and look there.

It you are "in" Widows then the 'C drive' is working ... unless it was installed onto another drive.

'A' drive is always a Floppy drive, 'B' drive is always a Floppy drive (not always fitted), 'C' drive is almost always the first hard drive where the OS boots off and 'D' drive is usually the first CDROM drive.

What are you going to use this 'typewriter' for?
I had a problem like this, My Floppy drie was being recognised, The green light came on, but it would not take a disc in it - it just said there was no disc inserted

turns out i have the floppy cable (to the mobo) upside down in the back of the drive. Turned it around, and bobs-your-uncle, it works fine...

Maybe you should check that
appleibook1 said:
Hi. Me_2001
WIN 98 It's an old system. When I click on the CD Drive or the floppy drive an error measage says, A:\ not accessable device not ready

if you're inserting discs, clicking on the icon(s) and getting that message, then i would think that everything is OK with the way the OS is set up.

if the drives aren't being recognised by the system, then you'd get an error message like 'the folder was moved or deleted'.

to double check, open up 'my computer' from the desktop, you should see a list of all the drives there. if yo have a drive 'A' (should look like this image) and a cdrom drive listed, then your setup is ok, and you need to look at hardware.

firstly,what happens when you put a disc in the drive? do you see any lights/hear the drives spinning up? it could be that the drives simply don't work anymore - a real possibility given the age of the machine. there are cleaning kits you can buy which may help.

secondly, what sort of state are the discs in? if they're old and worn out, it may be that the drive can't read them (floppies are notorious for this). try using a new disc.

thirdly, and just to rule it out, are you trying to read mac discs? i'm not sure about cd's, but mac floppies won't work in a PC, the formats are different.

hope that helps!


not to be nasty or anything, but do you think you'll get much for the PC if you sell it? 2nd hand PC's, especially older ones, are not really worth much nowadays.

just something to think about.....
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crazylegs said:
Oh you crack me up Muck's, i had to laugh when i read that...:D
Hmmm, yea, I was a bit rough ... but you'll have to take me as I am or ...

I can be rather sarcastic at times ... :rolleyes:
No probs I took it as you meant it in jest. I hope Ha!Ha!. Im going to unplug them start up, shut down and replug them in, go to add new hardware and see what happens. As to selling anybody got 1/6d it wont sell in new pence Ha! Ha!.
To all the helpers Thanks don't know what we did but the old Dinosour spluttered into life everthing is working. A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU ALL. Well if I can sell sand to the Arabs selling this should be a doddle seriously I do sell sand to them, they dont have the right sand for building. CHEERS CHAPS. appleibook1
End note. I produce the Graphics for the info sheets just in case you looked back to the first query.