Drive Mapping

  • Thread starter Thread starter Al
  • Start date Start date


I can map from my WinXP to Win 2K machine but cannot map
from Win2K to the WinXP. I set the data folder on C: to
share with name of data. I can ping the WinXP from the
Win2K using either the Network Name of 763n or using the
IP. I map by using a folder name "\\tiger\c$" and tehn
putting in the user name and password. Connects fine.
When I go the other way "\\763\c$" and enter teh correct
user name and password I get the message that "The
network path "\\763n\c$" cannot be found".

Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong.
[It's odd that you created a share named "Data" and then
mapped using the built-in C$.]

You don't mention a Domain? Are you using MACHINE

Use this syntax:

net use * \\Ip.Addr.Win.XP\C$ * /user:MachineOrDomainName\UserName

Ip.Addr.Win.XP is IP address of XP -- 763n is legal but a terrible
choice for a machine name.
C$ can be data if you prefer
MachineOrServerName is based on where the UserName account
is defined
I have the internal XP filrewall de-selected and even
though I am running BlackIce Defender, I have had the
problem regardless if BlackIce is working or stopped and
Based on what you sugegsted, I entered \\
\c$ /user:763n\Allen. Still get message "The network path
\\\c$ cannot be found. And as stated in
response to above email, firewall on or off makes no
difference. I am able to successfully map from the WIN2K
machine to another WIn2K machine.

-----Original Message-----
[It's odd that you created a share named "Data" and then
mapped using the built-in C$.]

You don't mention a Domain? Are you using MACHINE

Use this syntax:

net use * \\Ip.Addr.Win.XP\C$
* /user:MachineOrDomainName\UserName
I can Ping every time. When I run net view
on the 763nit lists \\763n and \\tiger. If I run net
view on the tiger it also lists \\763n and \\tiger. If I
run net view \\763n, it comes back after ort pause
with "The network path was not found".
Al said:
I realize that this does not make any sense.

I am able to ping the IP address.

And not the Name? Then you have a NAME RESOLUTION

Either Broadcasts (same segment only) need to work, or
WINS/DNS servers need to be configured.
When I do Net View it shows both units that are on the
workgroup which is titles "WORKGROUP". These are the
only two units that are attached to the Cable Router.
When I type Net View and press enter I get a response
of "\\763n" and "tiger". The XP Unit is names 763n,
since it is an HP Pavilion 763n. The WIN2K Unit is tiger
since it is a mid-tower unit manufactured by Tiger Direct.

Rename this machines, N763 or X763N etc. (It will make
me happy and sooner or later this will be a problem for you.)
When I try to map from the 763n to the tiger I enter
\\tiger\c$ or \\tiger\d$ depending on if I wnat to map to
the "C Drive" or the "D Drive". Both mappings work
successfully everytime.

When I try tp map from the tiger to the 763 I enter
\\763n\cdrive$ or \\763n\data$, enter the correct User ID
and Password, and I get a message back that says "The
network path \\763n\cdrive or \\763n\data$ coudl not be
found. I get the same message both with and without
the "$" at the end of the path.

It probably sees the number and thinks you have an IP address there.

If this works, then I am correct:
net use \\IP.addr.of.733n\C$ e.g., net use * \\\C$