Colin J Higginson
After suffering a powercut a few weeks ago and having my PC crash, then
perform some weird changes on reboot, I was left with no alternative but to
reformat my primary hdd and reinstall Windows XP Pro. Since then all my
drive letters have altered, so now my system drive is no longer labelled 'C'
but 'H'. I know how to change the other drive letters in the Disk
Management console but because the C/H drive is the system drive that cannot
be changed, I can live with that. However a more serious problem has
occurred and I have tried all the usual remedies suggested by other, more
knowledgable sources to fix it. The problem is I have lost access to my
CDRW/DVD combo and DVDRW. It is doubly frustrating because a lot of my
backup data is stored on DVD disks that I can't now access and that data is
needed to be replaced because of the power outage. I would very much
appreciate any thoughts and suggestions from anybody who can help.
perform some weird changes on reboot, I was left with no alternative but to
reformat my primary hdd and reinstall Windows XP Pro. Since then all my
drive letters have altered, so now my system drive is no longer labelled 'C'
but 'H'. I know how to change the other drive letters in the Disk
Management console but because the C/H drive is the system drive that cannot
be changed, I can live with that. However a more serious problem has
occurred and I have tried all the usual remedies suggested by other, more
knowledgable sources to fix it. The problem is I have lost access to my
CDRW/DVD combo and DVDRW. It is doubly frustrating because a lot of my
backup data is stored on DVD disks that I can't now access and that data is
needed to be replaced because of the power outage. I would very much
appreciate any thoughts and suggestions from anybody who can help.