Dave...I had received "Invalid MS-DOS function" message when I had tried
drag-and-drop, called Dell, they told me the problem was "DLA missing" but
solution yet. After seeing your post, tried a few things, here are the
- Using a CD-RW disk, was expecting to use the same way as XP
using Windows Explorer like I do with a flash drive.
- The disk drive is DVD/CD-RW per Windows Explorer
- Cannot format a disk using Windows Explorer (right click, select Format)
- I can create a disk using the Roxio Data Disc option but this does not
seem to create an appendable disk even though I use options to append and
this process erases the disk whenever it writes.
- When using the Roxio disc, drag-and-drop from Windows Explorer seems to
work but after running for about half hour for a file copy of a few KB,
back with cannot append the disk even though tthe disk was created
with Roxio.
- Can read disks created on Vista from XP and vice versa.
Any ideas ?