I've been using Drive Image Pro (Version 5 something) for years now, going
back and forth between the same two Maxtor Hard Drives. I use the copy
function, which exits out of windows. Anyway, I haven't used it in awhile but
it is not working properly anymore. When it is copying from Drive C to Drive
D, the program stops at 50% and the computer reboots. Drive D is then no
longer partitioned. The only thing I did differently with "Drive D" this time
around, is I hooked it up as primary/master just out of curiousity to see
how long ago I did the back up and see my old email messages, etc. After I
did this, I used the maxtor disk to format and parition the drive. Then I put
my "Drive C" back as Primary/Master, and moved this drive to
Secondary/Master. Then I ran Drive Image Pro as normal and I've done it over
10 times, and it won't go past 50%. There are no detectable errors on drive D
and it otherwise seems to operate as normal.
I'm wondering if I've not paritioned it properly, but should that matter since
the existing parition gets deleted anyway? I also paritioned it using Partion
Magic 8.0 and that doesn't do anything different.
I also noticed that when it's copying the files (up until 50% of course) it
Deleting parition D
Fat 32, primary volume, 38170.0 MB on Disk2
Copying parition Cisk2part01(yes that's the weird name)
Fat 32, primary volume, 38170.0 MB on Disk1
To Unallocated Space on Disk 2
What does it mean by unallocated space on Disk 2, and is that normal?
back and forth between the same two Maxtor Hard Drives. I use the copy
function, which exits out of windows. Anyway, I haven't used it in awhile but
it is not working properly anymore. When it is copying from Drive C to Drive
D, the program stops at 50% and the computer reboots. Drive D is then no
longer partitioned. The only thing I did differently with "Drive D" this time
around, is I hooked it up as primary/master just out of curiousity to see
how long ago I did the back up and see my old email messages, etc. After I
did this, I used the maxtor disk to format and parition the drive. Then I put
my "Drive C" back as Primary/Master, and moved this drive to
Secondary/Master. Then I ran Drive Image Pro as normal and I've done it over
10 times, and it won't go past 50%. There are no detectable errors on drive D
and it otherwise seems to operate as normal.
I'm wondering if I've not paritioned it properly, but should that matter since
the existing parition gets deleted anyway? I also paritioned it using Partion
Magic 8.0 and that doesn't do anything different.
I also noticed that when it's copying the files (up until 50% of course) it
Deleting parition D
Fat 32, primary volume, 38170.0 MB on Disk2
Copying parition Cisk2part01(yes that's the weird name)
Fat 32, primary volume, 38170.0 MB on Disk1
To Unallocated Space on Disk 2
What does it mean by unallocated space on Disk 2, and is that normal?