Hi, Farouk. Did you try it? If so, what happened?
Hi Tim
I did try it.
The new image will not overwrite but will have numbers added 001 002 etc.
If you specify 4 backups it will recycle and the 5 th image will overwrite 001
I have abandoned Drive Image 7 for the time being and have bought
Acronis True Image
Here is my main reason.
I simulated a crash and wiped my primary disk clean!
It had 3 primary partitions.
When I used DI7 to do a restore everything goes well BUT when I
begin win 2k it crashes "ntoskrnl.exe file is corrupted or missing"
If I use Acronis True Image to restore everything works fine
I had the same problem on my home and office computers.
I have sent e-mail to Powerquest today. I hope to get a reply in
48 hours.
At this stage I feel that I will stay wit Acronis True Image.
It has worked flawlessly for me thus far.
It is very compact and the bootable CD has less than 6 megs of
It is reliable Linux kernel with Acronis software..
It has been around for over a year with rave reviews. I have yet
to read about a failed restore with an image created by TI
It cannot do scheduled backup but this is how I am going to protect
I have setup the Win 2k task scheduler to start this program once
a week. When it starts the program on Sunday evening I will be manually
set it up to copy to my slave drive. I have 4 folders for each week where
the image will go.
This interruption will be about one minute and I will be back computing with
win 2k
I have setup native win 2k backup program to copy selected folders to
the slave drive daily. I have been doing this for a couple of years. It works
I should quit now.
Farouk Dindar