Erasmo Acosta
I'm getting this error trying to access a network share that I created
3 days ago. It worked fine then. Other computers on my network can
access the share, except this one, and I just had the machine re
imaged 4 days ago.
I googled this problem and most people who got this error point to the
Windows Workstation service not running. This is not my case. I have
verified the service starts automatically and I have rebooted the
laptop a cpl of times.
Any ideas?
3 days ago. It worked fine then. Other computers on my network can
access the share, except this one, and I just had the machine re
imaged 4 days ago.
I googled this problem and most people who got this error point to the
Windows Workstation service not running. This is not my case. I have
verified the service starts automatically and I have rebooted the
laptop a cpl of times.
Any ideas?