I am now lost! In a previous thread, now not being replied to any more, I
said I had installed and cloned a new drive. see below:
"I just installed a larger drive and cloned old drive to it using their, WD,
supplied software.
Made the new drive the boot drive "C". All is fine but I have had two
programs that required reregistering so far causing me to wonder if any
XP-sp3 settings may have gotten changed that I should be aware of.
I thought all was OK after reading replies but now a new problem has
surfaced. I am no longer sure what drive is doing what!!
INFO: After cloning I had to swap SATA-0 and SATA-1 plugs and then renamed
in the directory tree the new drive to "new boot (C
" and old to "old drive
Windows explorer shows all newer and revised files going into new C drive
and no new files into F for past week. "Exactly as expected"
However when I tried to create a manual restore point I received this
message "system restore is unable to create a restore point. please restart
the computer, and then run system restore again." Restarting did not correct
problem. Also no recent restore points listed.
Further troubleshooting found that in the control panel-system-system
drive old drive (F
is listed as system drive and restore is ON
drive new boot (C
is listed as also having restore on but not as
system drive.
I am now totally confused, not even sure which drive is booting system. My
desire is to use the new boot(C
for everything and totally ignore the old
drive except maybe to store some old files in.
Help is truly appreciated making new drive system drive and reactivating the
restore feature.
Sorry for long post but its hard to explain in less.
said I had installed and cloned a new drive. see below:
"I just installed a larger drive and cloned old drive to it using their, WD,
supplied software.
Made the new drive the boot drive "C". All is fine but I have had two
programs that required reregistering so far causing me to wonder if any
XP-sp3 settings may have gotten changed that I should be aware of.
I thought all was OK after reading replies but now a new problem has
surfaced. I am no longer sure what drive is doing what!!
INFO: After cloning I had to swap SATA-0 and SATA-1 plugs and then renamed
in the directory tree the new drive to "new boot (C


Windows explorer shows all newer and revised files going into new C drive
and no new files into F for past week. "Exactly as expected"
However when I tried to create a manual restore point I received this
message "system restore is unable to create a restore point. please restart
the computer, and then run system restore again." Restarting did not correct
problem. Also no recent restore points listed.
Further troubleshooting found that in the control panel-system-system
drive old drive (F

drive new boot (C

system drive.
I am now totally confused, not even sure which drive is booting system. My
desire is to use the new boot(C

drive except maybe to store some old files in.
Help is truly appreciated making new drive system drive and reactivating the
restore feature.
Sorry for long post but its hard to explain in less.