drawing failed with Windows Picture and Fax Viewe

Jul 23, 2005
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I have an Olympus C-50Z when save any photos to my computer I can not enlarge them or use slide show with Windows Picture and Fax Viewer, I get a "drawing failed" error but thumbnails are visible. Other software tools work just fine for slide show or editing. If I open the pic in another tool and then do a "save as" anything.jpeg picture viewer works fine. This is true with any XP computer I have tried. I do not have any older OS to try.

The default picture is 2560x1920, properties show it is a exif jpeg if that matters

I have tried saving picture with other resolutions and that did not help.
I have search this and other forums and have not seen an answer, if I missed it I am sorry for for the re-post

The default picture is 2560x1920, properties show it is a exif jpeg if that matters
It certainly does?
Any ideas, I have now tried every storage option on my camera

TIFF: 2560x1920
SHQ: 2560x1920
HQ: 2560x1920
SQ1: 2048x1536
SQ2: 640x480

and when I transfer the pictures to my computer the only option that works with Windows Picture and Fax Viewer is TIFF, all the rest give the "drawing failed" error but thumbnails are visible, still other software tools work fine

use TIFF, they take up more room but give better quality as the pics arent compressed so much