If you search using Google on "population pyramid excel", you'll find more
than plenty of sites with detailed instructions.
The first hit on the list is the site I recommend when teaching Excel
courses to official statistics people:
An Excel file with instructions and a slightly more "dressed up" example I
just found is at
http://www.healthinformation.on.ca/poppypramid97 with projection line.XLT
A rather carefully crafted dynamic version (Eurostat projection 2004-2051)
with slider control (based on examples by Prof. Erich Neuwirth from Vienna)
is at
(though it's in Slovenian, which is the second smallest official EU language
and one of the world's most "difficult" languages, at least judged by
entropy and similar complexity measures, everything should be
understandable; the "workings" are in hidden sheets).
Best regards,
Gaj Vidmar
(indulging in newsgroups on sick leave after surgery, so taking some
symbolic rest from work by not including my employer in the signature