| "Thomas" <
[email protected]>
| wrote in message | How do I set it so that when I drag a flie from one window to
| another,it doesn't copy the file to the other folder, but instead it moves
| the file to that folder. I know this is possible because that's the way it
| was on my old computer, but I don't know where or how to change
| this setting.
AFAIK you cannot change the default action the results when moving
files and folders to a new location by dragging.
Keep in mind that if you drag an file or folder to a new location on
another disk or partition, the default action is Copy Here, not Move
Here. To move the item, press and hold down SHIFT while dragging.
Or, like "JAX" wrote, drag the file or folder while pressing the right
mouse button. When you release the right mouse button and you will be
presented with a shortcut menu that you can use to choose: Copy Here,
Move Here, Create Shortcuts Here, or Cancel.
When you drag a file to a folder to a new location on the same partition
the default action is Move Here.
For more information search the Windows XP Professional Help and
Support Center for the phrase "To move files by dragging" and read the
Suggested Topic by that title.