Right clicking and moving a thumbnail DOES NOT show the ghost image of
the thumbnail that normally goes along while dragging. Now without this
ghost image once dropped to another folder and then the dropping takes a
long time to get the menu (copy here/Move here/create shortcut here and
Cancel). This happens when one is in the Search Results
Thumbnail-window.The time is so delayed that one would feel that the
dragging/dropping has failed. It is only patience that later tells that
the action has not failed.
Ran REGSVR32 SHIMGVW.DLL but with no results.
Any guidance on this please.
My RAM is 1GB.
the thumbnail that normally goes along while dragging. Now without this
ghost image once dropped to another folder and then the dropping takes a
long time to get the menu (copy here/Move here/create shortcut here and
Cancel). This happens when one is in the Search Results
Thumbnail-window.The time is so delayed that one would feel that the
dragging/dropping has failed. It is only patience that later tells that
the action has not failed.
Ran REGSVR32 SHIMGVW.DLL but with no results.
Any guidance on this please.
My RAM is 1GB.