
Aug 12, 2006
Reaction score
im retired and am 60 i only started computing 6 years ago.but ive learnt a hell of a lot through trial and error and bugging microsoft i actual after a long time found there e mail adress i think they dont want you to ive found it helpfull to look at the event logs gives reasons of what happened.got kicked off one forum for not contributing .So as im new i will only post answers to problems ive encounted.if moderater thinks im wrong delete it or email me.
i throught i saw someone saying he did not have an antivirus program[unbelievable or pulling my leg.i found a free one in 1 minute on google.there is also a free anti spyware called a2 squared.
Hiya m8 welcome.

yeah you saw correctly. A lot of people dont have AV's installed or a lot of other protection. Still not figured out why not myself, seems they just want trouble to start.

Anyway hopefully his/her problem will be solved shortly.

Looking forward to your contributions ;)
Hi dragarx
welcome to PC Review :)

We have folks of all ages on here - feel free to contribute as much or little as you want.

Regarding AV's and spyware etc, we have a sister site called Spywarepoint - you are more than welcome to join the forums there as well http://www.spywarepoint.com/forums/ :thumb:

Hello & Welcome


We don't go throwing people off the forums who do not contribute. ;)