drag and drop

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I seem to be unable to drag an appointment from one date to another or from
one time to another - this was certainly possible in ALL previous versions.

any idaes?
and your version is.......

Judy Gleeson - MVP Outlook
Acorn Training and Consulting
Canberra, Australia
When you post in here, always include your version, SP level, and mode (if
applicable) of Outlook - you can find this information in Help | About. Also
include the type of mail account(s) you use and any other pertinent details.
Be sure to put a concise summary of your question in the subject line, and
the full details in the body of your post.
I am having the same problem. Windows XP Pro (all current SP's and updates);
Outlook 2007 Beta. It looks like it tries to move the appointment but then
snaps right back to it's original position. That behaviour is the same in
day, week and month views. It sure looks like it is suppose to work.