Drag and Drop controls during runtime in Windows App



I was curiuos if anyone knew of a way to allow drag and drop
functionality on the actual controls themselves during runtime within a
Windows Application.

I want to allow the user to customize a report by moving textbox
controls and dropdown controls to locations of their liking.


I am aware of that proprerty, however after looking at the sample code,
it appear that they were dragging something onto the form, What I am
looking for is moving the actual controls that are on the form around
during run time.

Brian Tkatch

I am aware of that proprerty, however after looking at the sample code,
it appear that they were dragging something onto the form, What I am
looking for is moving the actual controls that are on the form around
during run time.

On Mouse down set a flag. On Mouse move, if the flag is set, change the
x,y position. On mouse up, unset the flag.


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