dr("field").toString returns "400.0000" instead of "400"

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dan C Douglas
  • Start date Start date

Dan C Douglas

I have just installed VS.NET 2003 on my computer. I have a project that I have been developing on VS.NET 2002. I haven't upgraded this project to VS.NET 2003 yet and I am still developing it in VS.NET 2002.

When I am putting values from my SQLDataReader into labels and text boxes I am getting results such as 400.0000, or 25.90.

For example...

? dr("CostsPerBin")


400D {Decimal}
[Decimal]: 400D
? dr("CostsPerBin").toString


It used to return "400" before I installed VS.NET2K3

Obviously it is returning 4 decimals because it is the scale of the data type in SQL. This is a money field, although other fields that are decimal with a scale of 2 return results such as 90.40 when converted to a string.

Any ideas?

It works normally on our dev box and production server and also on other developers machines.

I am the only one in the office who has install VS.NET2K3, but I don't understand how it would change these results.

Is this a feature of .NET Framework 1.1 ? (project is still .NET framework 1.0 as I didn't upgrade it though)


This is a classic asp newsgroup. While you may be lucky enough to find a
dotnet-savvy person here who can answer your question, you can eliminate the
luck factor by posting your question to an appropriate group. I suggest
microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.adonet or microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.aspnet.

Bob Barrows
Yep - I replied to the wrong message, somehow. Sorry about that
heh.. i think your looking at another message. I posted to





This is a classic asp newsgroup. While you may be lucky enough to find a
dotnet-savvy person here who can answer your question, you can eliminate the
luck factor by posting your question to an appropriate group. I suggest
microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.adonet or microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.aspnet.

Bob Barrows
Yeah, we had to make some small code changes when switching over to the 1.1 framework as well. Our interface to PayPal broke because it considered more than 2 decimal places to be an invalid format.

I have similar problem. Decimal zeros don't show on my machine (NET Framework 1.0) and show on a server (Framework 1.1). I couldn't find a reason and just use str = Format(tmp, "N").

I have just installed VS.NET 2003 on my computer. I have a project that I have been developing on VS.NET 2002. I haven't upgraded this project to VS.NET 2003 yet and I am still developing it in VS.NET 2002.

When I am putting values from my SQLDataReader into labels and text boxes I am getting results such as 400.0000, or 25.90.

For example...

? dr("CostsPerBin")


400D {Decimal}
[Decimal]: 400D
? dr("CostsPerBin").toString


It used to return "400" before I installed VS.NET2K3

Obviously it is returning 4 decimals because it is the scale of the data type in SQL. This is a money field, although other fields that are decimal with a scale of 2 return results such as 90.40 when converted to a string.

Any ideas?

It works normally on our dev box and production server and also on other developers machines.

I am the only one in the office who has install VS.NET2K3, but I don't understand how it would change these results.

Is this a feature of .NET Framework 1.1 ? (project is still .NET framework 1.0 as I didn't upgrade it though)


For example we are using currency fields for large dollar amounts.

So for a dollar amount the user wants to see: 850,190, and not 850,190.0000

The difference is that the one machine with different results also has framework 1.1 side by side with 1.0 (even though the app should be using 1.0)

Surprisingly cost per bin are at a dollar value, but this issue has affected hundreds of fields that never had that problem before, so it goes belong just this one field.

And yes, in this case, I'd like to drop any trailing 0 decimals (this was done automatically before) w/o making any major modifications to the app. It just seems silly that by installing .NET Framework 1.1 that this would affect my apps running the original Framework 1.0

I don't know why you'd get different results on one machine vs another, but you can simply tell ToString() exactly what you want and that will remove any ambiguity, now or in the future -- for example:

? dr("CostsPerBin").ToString("F0");

I question, though, why you want to drop the decimal positions. Seems like cost per bin would not often be exactly at a dollar boundary. Or are you saying you just want to drop the decimals if they are all zero? Not sure if there's a standard format string that would produce that effect by itself.

I have just installed VS.NET 2003 on my computer. I have a project that I have been developing on VS.NET 2002. I haven't upgraded this project to VS.NET 2003 yet and I am still developing it in VS.NET 2002.

When I am putting values from my SQLDataReader into labels and text boxes I am getting results such as 400.0000, or 25.90.

For example...

? dr("CostsPerBin")


400D {Decimal}
[Decimal]: 400D
? dr("CostsPerBin").toString


It used to return "400" before I installed VS.NET2K3

Obviously it is returning 4 decimals because it is the scale of the data type in SQL. This is a money field, although other fields that are decimal with a scale of 2 return results such as 90.40 when converted to a string.

Any ideas?

It works normally on our dev box and production server and also on other developers machines.

I am the only one in the office who has install VS.NET2K3, but I don't understand how it would change these results.

Is this a feature of .NET Framework 1.1 ? (project is still .NET framework 1.0 as I didn't upgrade it though)


The app was mapped to 1.1.

I believe if I map it to 1.0 it should fix the problem.

Still. It's good to know how installing 1.1 may affect our existing apps when we install it on production. The install (according to MS) shouldn't of effected existing apps, but according to asp.net website it does.

I am fixing it now...
Yeah, we had to make some small code changes when switching over to the 1.1 framework as well. Our interface to PayPal broke because it considered more than 2 decimal places to be an invalid format.

I have similar problem. Decimal zeros don't show on my machine (NET Framework 1.0) and show on a server (Framework 1.1). I couldn't find a reason and just use str = Format(tmp, "N").

I have just installed VS.NET 2003 on my computer. I have a project that I have been developing on VS.NET 2002. I haven't upgraded this project to VS.NET 2003 yet and I am still developing it in VS.NET 2002.

When I am putting values from my SQLDataReader into labels and text boxes I am getting results such as 400.0000, or 25.90.

For example...

? dr("CostsPerBin")


400D {Decimal}
[Decimal]: 400D
? dr("CostsPerBin").toString


It used to return "400" before I installed VS.NET2K3

Obviously it is returning 4 decimals because it is the scale of the data type in SQL. This is a money field, although other fields that are decimal with a scale of 2 return results such as 90.40 when converted to a string.

Any ideas?

It works normally on our dev box and production server and also on other developers machines.

I am the only one in the office who has install VS.NET2K3, but I don't understand how it would change these results.

Is this a feature of .NET Framework 1.1 ? (project is still .NET framework 1.0 as I didn't upgrade it though)

