DProduct Formula

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I have been teaching myself the DFunctions in Excel and they make sense (Except for Excels limit of 32767 selelectable cells in a range) on the whole. I just have one problem. DProduct

I understand the syntax and creation of the DProduct formula but what I'm trying to understand is Why? Getting a formula to amultiply figures from the same column just seems crazy. Using the formula when it returns a single result is fine, then it makes sense (although DGet is used for that), it's when you get 3 trees matching your criteria (to use the help file examples), why multiply the yields together

Can anybody offer another example that actually makes sense? I have seen the one online that uses "Unit 1" etc. they say it's just a simple one to show what it does, well I want a complex one (complexish)

Thanks for all your help.
I understand the syntax and creation of the DProduct formula but what I'm
trying to understand is Why? Getting a formula to amultiply figures from the
same column just seems crazy. Using the formula when it returns a single
result is fine, then it makes sense (although DGet is used for that), it's
when you get 3 trees matching your criteria (to use the help file examples),
why multiply the yields together?

Foolish consistency seems to be the only reason for including DPRODUCT: Excel
provides SUM and PRODUCT, so if it provide DSUM, shouldn't it also provide

All I can suggest is searching the Google Groups archives for this newsgroup
looking for threads that use the PRODUCT function. Then see if there's any
conceivable circumstance in which conditions could meaningfully be applied. IMO,
it's very unlikely.