dpi 1440 x 900 setting



With my new monitor I have set my dpi to 1440 x 900 settings. However, IE6
is now lost on the monitor, a small read-out sitting in the middle of my
monitor hardly visible. How do I set IE6 to take-up, if you will, the
entire width of my monitor?

Thanks in advance for any useful help.



JDoe said:
With my new monitor I have set my dpi to 1440 x 900 settings. However, IE6
is now lost on the monitor, a small read-out sitting in the middle of my
monitor hardly visible. How do I set IE6 to take-up, if you will, the
entire width of my monitor?

Thanks in advance for any useful help.


I'm not quite certain if you are troubled by the smaller size of the
window or the smaller size of the content in the window. One of the
advantages of a larger display is the ability to leave a program like IE
occupying 3/4 of the display width and still have a program like AOL
Messenger visible beside it. Of course you may prefer a different
application like a calculator or email client.

There are a couple of ways to enlarge the text in an IE6 window. There's
a "Text Size" item on the browser's "View" menu. On computers equipped
with a wheel mouse you are able to change the text size in an IE window
by holding the CTRL key down while rotating the mouse wheel.

If you are experiencing text to small for your liking in most Windows
applications theres usually a DPI adjustment in the display properties.
Select the "display" applet on the control panel. Click the "Settings"
tab. Then click the "advanced" button and look for a "DPI Setting" on a
"General" tab.

For simply enlarging the IE6 window without enlarging the content try:

Open an IE6 browser window.

Drag it by the title bar closer to the upper left hand corner of the

Drag the lower right corner or the window to make fill more of the screen.

Close the IE6 browser window.

Reopen IE6. It usually remembers the new size.

Please report back whether this procedure works for you.


I was hoping to upsize everything to fill the new 1440 x 900 dpi settings of
my new monitor because I don't like the smaller overall content. Thus, was
curious if IE6 (and its contents) could be enlarged. Yes, I am aware that
font size in some IE6 content may be adjusted but not _all_ the contents
which is what I want. And, yes, I have already increased the DPI setting to
144 dpi. I am aware, too, re your suggestion that last size of window
setting of IE6 will be "remembered" anew when utilizing IE6 again.

All of these suggestions -- appreciated as they are -- will not fulfill my
initial request to increase the size of everything, proportionately; that
is, w/ no distortions.

WinXP Home, SP2, IE6


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