How do you downloafd music and have it play in you media
That's a loaded question. I'll take some time here to explain it, and
save it so next time I can just copy-paste it in.
Windows Media Player will play MP3s. A real good MP3 & music player (a
media player like WMP) is called "Winamp" (freeware), it has a nice
graphics equalizer and it also has "Internet TV", which the other two
media player's don't (WMP & Realplayer).
You can download music legally on the Internet. You have to pay for it,
per song usually. You just double click on it after downloading it to
play it, that's the easiest way if you are new to all of this. You can
also load a play list & play it from within any media players too.
Let me jump in here - if you are on dial-up - forget it, you are too slow
to download, it'll take hours to get a few songs. Movie files are even
Now, on Usenet here, there are some music newsgroups (MP3 newsgroups) &
movie newsgroups (multimedia newsgroups).. I am not sure if MP3 newsgroup
fall into the multimedia category or not.. Anyway, you can download MP3s
there for free. Legally most songs here are copywrited and you are not
supposed to get them. (clearing throat...). You really should get a good
Usenet Reader if you are high speed and plan on getting music and movie
files. One that runs rings around others for multimedia files is "News
Rover" (about $30). I won't get into details, but it is just better (RAR
& PAR2 built in, & great easy to use filters).
And then there are peer to peer networks (p2p). These are legal networks,
however most music & files transferred are copywrited & thus illegal
(clearing throat again). I recommend "Bearshare Lite" right now, as the
Kazaa network, at least for me is having problems). There are millions of
users on these networks sharing files. The advantages of p2p networks vs
Usenet for music only (not movies) is that you don't have to depend on
someone posting something you want. There are just so many users on them,
that you type in an artist's name, and you get a huge list of their music.
Downloads can be slow, you are limited to other's upload speeds, but also
the p2p program can combine parts of the MP3 from different users & thus
it goes faster, and you can be downloading like 8 or 10 files all at once.
Again - dial-up = forget it. There is a peer to peer newsgroup in usenet
that weill have links where to get bearshare Lite in some posts as well as
other p2p programs.
OT : The steel knights (st33l_kn1ghts) are a small Yahoo Messenger based
chatroom group of computer users. It is nice knowing the people you are in
a chatroom environment with. Beginners are welcome. Those of us who know
computers can help you. Requirements: be a semi-responsible individual. (We don't just talk computers).