Downloads fail halfway through



I have been having download problems. When I try to download just some small
(under 5MB) files or games (from, which I have listed as a
"trusted website"), the download begins and then approximately halfway
through, the blue ribbon completes and the download just stops.
My computer does not have a problem downloading the Windows Automatic
Updates or the Norton Antivirus Updates. I use IE7 with Windows XP on
dial-up. Do I need to change my security settings? (They are set at medium).
I have my Windows Firewall turned on, and I use Norton Anti-virus
Auto-Protect with the Worm Protection turned on.


You need to clean up your TEMP files. Go to start/run, and type:

It will take a while.


I tried that; in fact, I deleted all my browsing history etc as well. It did
not work. Maybe I am stuck with this situation?


It seems to me you are having some problem with FTP, and not the 'transfer
service' used by the updates facilities. I would try repairing all system
files. Start/run, type:


It will ask for your 'original setup media' location.


Thank you so much for all your help. Unfortunately, the scannow option did
not work either. (It scanned everything, but never asked me that question.
But it seemed to be quite thorough.) I have narrowed it down in that the
problem seems to be site-specific ( so maybe if I avoid them I'm
ok. Trouble is, they excel at having lots of safe downloads of all sorts. I
do really appreciate you taking your time to try and help, you are a prince
among computer people.


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