downloading updates once for administrators

  • Thread starter Thread starter timothyS
  • Start date Start date


Is there a Microsoft site where Network administrators can
go to and download all critical updates for different
windows os' you can apply the updates across your
own LAN...instead of each PC having to go to the Microsoft
updates web page?
Hi Timothiy

You might want to check out Microsoft Software Update Services (SUS).

Microsoft Software Update Services (SUS) enables administrators to quickly
and reliably deploy the latest critical updates and security updates to
Windows® 2000 and Windows ServerT 2003-based servers, as well as to desktop
computers running Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional.

SUS now provides Windows service packs (SPs), in addition to critical and
security updates. SUS will deliver Windows XP SP1, Windows 2000 SP4, and all
future service packs for Windows 2000, Windows XP, and the Windows Server
2003 family of products. For more information about how service packs are
installed, please visit the frequently asked questions page.

More info and download:

Hope this helps. Regards,
