Steve said:
I bought a notebook to travel with. I thought I could down load my
newsgroup but find I cannot when away from connecting to my local
ISP. I called them and told me I could not down load newsgroup
messages unless I am directly connected to my ISP which is MediaCom
mchsi/com I don't believe this... who is right
Try logging on to your ISP's news server. You probably have it
configured to NOT logon, so it will authenticate you based on what
network you connect to. If you connect to their network then they will
let you use their news server without also having to log onto that news
server. If you connect to a different network, like when travelling,
then they don't know who the hell you are, so you MUST logon to their
server to prove you actually have an account with them. However, it may
still be their policy to disallow ANY off-network connections to their
news server, in which case you're screwed and logging onto their news
server won't help. You'll have to use a freebie news server or use a
web-based news service, like Google (although I'd definitely recommend
using an e-mail alias or disposable account to register to use them and
then kill the alias or disposable account afterward to eliminate
bothering with the spam that WILL show up).