Downloading into Linux


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
As I said in the other thread I've got the wireless connection up and running. :)

Now I'm having problems with downloads. The download itself is no problem and the file is sitting in "Downloads". Trouble is I can't get it to do ANYTHING,

I right click the file and I get Launch Application- this link needs to be opened with an application. Send to:

then Choose an Application. Clicking on this brings up a list -Desktop, Documents,Downloads all of which are empty on opening them except downloads which has the name of the downloaded file in it. But still I can do nothing with it. :confused:

There's no Set Up or Wizard as in Windows. Driving me mad.
Which distro are you using?

I'm no great shakes at Linux myself but sometimes I've found the equivalent of executable files won't run by simply clicking on them, they need to be opened in the software manager peculiar to that distro.

Your download may also be in the form of a tar file in which case it needs to be unzipped, that's a possibility.

But I must confess it's very much the blind leading the blind here ;)

Which applications are you trying to install btw?
Do Ubuntu and Gnome mean anything to you?

I've downloaded Boinc just to try to get the hang of downloading but can't get the thing to run. I tried Archive Manager but no go.

Probably time I slept on it.:sleep:
Yes, I kow Ubuntu & Gnome.

I'm using Mint - a derirative of Ubuntu - with Gnome (but I'm honestly not fussed between Gnome or KDE ;) )

As for BOINC, sorry, can't help, I haven't crunched following 9 years of it some time ago, all of it within Windows.
nivrip I'm no guru with Linux either and don't use Ubuntu but I do know that Ubuntu uses Debian packages and BOINC is offered by GetDeb which at the top of the download page also gives you installation instructions.

Hope that helps a bit.

Get BOINC here...........

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Thanks for that Spezi. I've downloaded GetDeb BOINC into Downloads and this time it SEEMED to go through an Install process using Ubuntu Software (something that I couldn't do before).

Problem now is that I can't find it ANYWHERE !!!!!

Even the search facility won't bring it up.:confused:

I know it's little comfort but the distro I use is Sabayon Linux and that one includes BOINC in the package manager.

It still took me a little configuring to get it running though.
Spezi, I must thank you for giving me that GetDeb BOINC link. :) :bow:

After spending a lot of time and effort, I downloaded from your link, with a good deal of guesswork and luck, and found that some extra files had been added to the small number of BOINC files I had.

One was the BOINCmanager which was not there previously. As soon as I clicked it BOINC was there and crunching began in a couple of minutes.

I'd also like to thank all the other contributors to this thread without whom I may well have given up. :bow:

Boinc is included in the Ubuntu repositories and you should be able to download and install it or any other program with the software manager from a gui environment. Ain't familiar with Gnome so can not be specific.
It is generaly not a good idea to download and install stuff that is not in the official repro's. :)

The above might come in handy :nod:though I doubt it is a s helpful as the Arch wiki. :cool:
@ nivrip - glad you got it working. :nod:

@ Abarbarian - It's been a while since I've used Ubuntu and back when I did they did not have BOINC in the repositories so someone pointed me at getdeb.

Good to know they've not put it in the repositories as that does make life a bit easier.

getdeb is a useful site for finding some packages.