Downloading File Problems



I have (2) identical Pentium 4 systems running XP home,
connected via hub to Internet. On the first system when
trying to download files from websites, the File download
box comes up asking whether you want to Open, Save, etc as
it should. On the second system on the same sites, the
progress bar at the bottom of the IE window slowly crawls
and the File download windows never appears. I am
thinking there has been some options change to cause this
change? Any help? Firewalls are not active.


1. IE6 ;SP1;Q324929;Q810847;Q813951;Q813489;Q330994;
2. I ran the Brown Univ tool
3. Ran complete Norton Scan
4. Downloaded Ran Spybot S&D to system 1 an installed on
system 2. Only problem, because of the download issue
check for updates shows an available update but when I hit
the button (on system 2) to install updates hangs, because
it can't download the file. Scan with the existing update
and cleared all traces, etc. Problem still exists.

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