downloading antispyware

  • Thread starter Thread starter Phil
  • Start date Start date


Having trouble downloading Antispyware on home pc. have
downloaded it at work and runs with no problems. at home
the when and where the dialog box should be up it gets
directed to a page unavailable. been happening the last
couple of nights. any ideas? both are windows xp (one pro
edition one home edition)
-----Original Message-----
Having trouble downloading Antispyware on home pc. have
downloaded it at work and runs with no problems. at home
the when and where the dialog box should be up it gets
directed to a page unavailable. been happening the last
couple of nights. any ideas? both are windows xp (one pro
edition one home edition)
Found the problem, rather quite simple....
works well, however it does give me a browser hijack
notice and when I continue on through the delete process
it locks up as it is trying to do a special cleaning(?)
on the browser. I eventually have to end it the hard
way....any ideas?
Have you tried running it in safe mode?
Restart the computer and hit F8 repeatadly until the
sytem displays a menu offering Safe Mode. If you see the
Windows logo before you see the Safe Mode menu, you
didn't hit the F8 fast enough and need to restart.
You may also find that it locks in safe mode.

Are you familiar with using the registry editor and taking ownership of

What may well be happening is that it is trying (unsuccessfully) to clean a
registry key to which the current user has no access.

Note the name of the key in the registry it is working on.

restart the machine in safe mode, signing in as administrator.

Navigate carefully through the registry to the key in question--check out
the permissions on it--you will probably find that you don't have permission
to modify or delete it. hit the advanced button, and the owner tab, and
take ownership of the key and any subkeys.

Then, still in safe mode, do another scan. This should complete and allow
you to clean it.
-----Original Message-----
Having trouble downloading Antispyware on home pc. have
downloaded it at work and runs with no problems. at home
the when and where the dialog box should be up it gets
directed to a page unavailable. been happening the last
couple of nights. any ideas? both are windows xp (one pro
edition one home edition)