I downloaded the RC1 ISO image, but it will not boot and not recognized by my
system. I burned 4 different DVD to eliminate the prospect of a bad DVD. When
the image was downloaded it said it was successful with no errors. Here is
the file name that I downloaded
vista_5536.16385.060821-1900_vista_rc1_x86fre_client-lr1cfre_en_dvd.iso. I
tried redowloading again, but was not able to.
system. I burned 4 different DVD to eliminate the prospect of a bad DVD. When
the image was downloaded it said it was successful with no errors. Here is
the file name that I downloaded
vista_5536.16385.060821-1900_vista_rc1_x86fre_client-lr1cfre_en_dvd.iso. I
tried redowloading again, but was not able to.