downloaded moviemaker 2

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I downloaded Movie Maket 2 (or I believe I did), but nothing happened. I'm
unable to find it so that I can work with it.

Crystal said:
I downloaded Movie Maket 2 (or I believe I did), but nothing happened. I'm
unable to find it so that I can work with it.


Moviemaker 2.1 is not available as a separate download. It is *ONLY*
available as part of SP2. If you downloaded "Movie Maker 2", it is probably

FWIW, simply downloading a file does nothing other than store a copy of the
executable file in the location you specified. You must install the program
after it has finished downloading.

You sound like you are new to computers. Perhaps you could find a friend or
family member to help you and show you how to install programs.

Crystal said:
I downloaded Movie Maket 2 (or I believe I did), but
nothing happened. I'm unable to find it so that I can
work with it.

Did you just download the file to your
hard drive or did you actually install it?

If Movie Maker is installed, you can
launch it with the following steps:

Go to...Start / Run...
Type... moviemk.exe
press your Enter key.

BTW...if you are runing WinXP SP2, you
should have Movie Maker 2.1


John Inzer
MS Picture It! MVP

Digital Image
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Making Good Newsgroup Posts
NoNoBadDog, No I'm not new to computers. I'm not a computer genius either.
I know how to install software.
I went to the webpage (Microsoft webpage) that had the download. It lead me
to getting updates for my computer which may come as a surprise to you, but I
was sucessful at updating the information. I ran it through until it was
finished and nothing happeded. I know about the service pak 2 that it is
linked to. My question is whether or not there is something else that I
should be doing because it does seem as though I downloaded it but did not
install it just like you said, but I was also not asked to do so. I didn't
get the option to install the program, is there somewhere else that I need to
go to get it installed.

Thank You
Crystal said:
NoNoBadDog, No I'm not new to computers. I'm not a
computer genius either. I know how to install software.
I went to the webpage (Microsoft webpage) that had the
download. It lead me to getting updates for my computer
which may come as a surprise to you, but I was sucessful
at updating the information. I ran it through until it
was finished and nothing happeded. I know about the
service pak 2 that it is linked to. My question is
whether or not there is something else that I should be
doing because it does seem as though I downloaded it but
did not install it just like you said, but I was also not
asked to do so. I didn't get the option to install the
program, is there somewhere else that I need to go to get
it installed.

Thank You
If you are referring to MM2.1 and WinXP SP2...
you do not have to install MM2.1
is included when you install SP2.

Try launching Movie Maker the way I told you...

Go to...Start / Run...
Type... moviemk.exe
press your Enter key.

If you have Windows XP SP2 and do not
have MM2.1, the following instructions may
be the solution:

What can I do if I upgrade to Windows
XP SP2 and Windows Movie Maker 2.1
is not installed successfully?

Bad Installation Of Movie Maker 2.1


John Inzer
MS Picture It! MVP

Digital Image
Highlights and FAQs

Making Good Newsgroup Posts
Thanks John that did it.

John Inzer said:
Did you just download the file to your
hard drive or did you actually install it?

If Movie Maker is installed, you can
launch it with the following steps:

Go to...Start / Run...
Type... moviemk.exe
press your Enter key.

BTW...if you are runing WinXP SP2, you
should have Movie Maker 2.1


John Inzer
MS Picture It! MVP

Digital Image
Highlights and FAQs

Making Good Newsgroup Posts
I want to send my movie to my homepage. and that is on piczo. But I need an
HTML vomd. How do I get one??
Hi Hermione, you may want to start a new thread being that your question is
different from the one above and so that when someone else does a search on
your topic they can find your question and answers faster. Oh, and also so
that I won't receive an email notification when you get replies. Hope
someone tunes in to you quickly.
