Windows Vista Download to external storage device

Jul 13, 2007
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Hi everyone:
I'm using vista and downloading huge data from internet everyday. To protect my hard disk i attached an old ide hard disk to my usb port, and when i add a download task i direct all the save to location to it. Will this actually help reduce the read/write frequency of my internal hard disk? or does the data still have to go through it?

Yes, it will 'reduce' the read/write frequency of your internal hard disk. Now how you gonna stop the CPU waring out. :D

Welcome to the Forums. :wave:

Maybe if he put some shock absorbers and a good lubricant around the heatsink that will help Mucks? ;)

muckshifter said:
Yes, it will 'reduce' the read/write frequency of your internal hard disk. Now how you gonna stop the CPU waring out. :D

Welcome to the Forums. :wave:

hm cpu warning? but ive been doing this for over a month and havent got a single one. Do you mean by doing this it wil increase the cpu usage and thus the cpu temp?
Anything a PC does, goes through the CPU to do it ... I was merely joshing with you.

If you want to save on "ware-n-tear" on you PC, don't turn it on ... otherwise, enjoy.
