Bjorn Simonsen <
[email protected]> wrote:
I notice you list Chaos Manager v1.73 and 1.72 on your page.
But a more recent version (1.77) can be found at authors site:
(Fwiw - just v1.77 installed it to have a look - still freeware,
and still very nice

I just added a link to the author's site, which looks like it has
changed since you checked it:
There is a version 1.78 out now, so he's really going with
"Chaos Manager:
What is this?
Well as a computer is supposed to be a helpful tool I always wanted
to organize some of my mess on the computer. But I really disliked
that if I wanted a phonebook, an appointment manager, a calendar and
a notepad. I would have to install these 5-20mb programs which for
once costs a fortune, second they're usually slow to startup and
takes too long to learn, and have like hundred of buttons/options
you never really use.
So I decided to code my own little simple application which ended
up like this. I also added the option to customize your own color
for the application so it won't be so dull to look at.
Try it out, you might like it and you might not, anyway it's freeware
as long as you don't use it in any kind of commercial/business like
Chaos Manager key features.
+ Appointment manager, plays a random wav-file
when appointment has reached it's deadline.
+ Phonebook/adresse book.
+ Build in notepad that supports multiple topics.
+ Calendar
+ Optional password protection.
+ Standby mode (in system-tray or a small window)
+ Optional data encryption so no one can peak into the data files.
+ Simple and easy to use.
+ Daily/weekly appointments.
+ Customize program colors.
+ Skinable (limited)
+ 32bit code which means Win95/98/W2K/NT40/XP.
Features in detail:
Appointments -
Up to 500 appointments, will pop up with a sound when an appointment
has reached/passed it's deadline (date and time). The played sound
is a random .wav file from the directory where Chaos Manager is
located. When the appointment has pop up you can choose between the
following options:
Delete appointment.
Change appointment deadline.
Mark appointment as read but don't delete.
Add a week to appointment deadline.
Add a day to appointment deadline.
Notepad -
Just a little notepad to type in stuff. It supports multiple topics,
to allow the notepad to be more organized.
Phonebook -
This is more then just a phonebook, it can also contain the persons
address and fax/mobile number, balance (if he/she/it owes you money)
email address, and 5 lines of other comments. The phonebook is sorted
after Name from A-Z. It is possible to add,view,edit,delete entries.
Calendar -
Where you can get an overview of which days you have appointments etc.
Standby mode -
By pressing standby the program will run in the background and can be
found in the system tray (in the lower right corner where the clock
also is). When an appointment deadline has been reached it will
popup. Appointments will also popup if the program is not in standby
mode (unless you enable the option to only popup when in standby
When the program is put in the system-tray you can left-click it's
icon (in the system-tray) to restore the program to it's normal
state, or right-click it for a popup-menu.
Data encryption -
All text in the datafiles (appointments, phone entries, notepad,
password etc.) are encrypted with multiple keys, so it's impossible
to get any information by looking into the datafiles. You might feel
a slowdown when opening and closing the program due to the encrypting,
but if you got a pentium 75 or higher it probably won't bother you,
if so it's possible to disable encryption in setup.