beamish said:
Hello, If i may, Create a folder entitled "download" and direct all
downloads to this folder. Perhaps in your "My Documents" folder.
Take Care.
My Documents is a good place, because it is excluded from System Restore. You don't
want your downloads being "restored" to a previous state, as that means you would
lose any that were not there when the restore point was made. :-o By default,
the My Documents folder, and all files that use common data file name extensions,
such as .doc or .xls, or excluded from System Restore. If a user wants to exclude
other folders (say, the user makes a C:\Download folder), there is a registry edit
that can be used to add a folder to the list of excluded folders:
Open Regedit and navigate to:
Click Edit menu, New, Multi-string value.
Make a descriptive name, in this example...Downloads.
Double-click the value and type in the full folder path you wish to exclude, and
click OK.