mickimouse said:
NO...actually i mean what i said Windows internet explore 8. there really
no need for the rudeness, just came on to get a little help not insulted!
everybody is a computer geek like you, thats why im here. I can uninstall
i know that much but i was hoping to try something else before i did that!
wow your a genius and thanks so much for all your help!
I'll call your "NO" and raise you another "NO" - you *didn't* mean what you
said. What you said was "windows explorer 8", and NOT "Windows internet
explore 8". Try looking back and being sure of your facts before jumping
down people's throats, misquoting yourself.
"i was hoping to try something else before i did that" - well, what you're
running is beta software; it says this on Microsoft's site right next to the
words "Internet Explorer 8".
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_software#Beta. So there are bound to be
things that don't work correctly. If you just want to surf the web, go back
to IE7 and wait until IE8 is officially released.
"i got this download from the windows site, so how am i not in the right
area" - the Microsoft download site states, "Support for IE8 Beta2 can be
received by visiting the Internet Explorer Beta Newsgroup to discuss issues,
or by contacting Customer Support Services." That's how.