download default directory is wrong

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I'm using XP Professional. The default directory on the download info box was
erroneously set by someone who thought they were helping and now all my
downloads end up stuck in a folder that I have to go hunting for everytime.

Is there a way in which I can reset this default? And how? I am recovering
from a stroke and get confused easily so the directions need to be complete.

Thanks for your concideration.
Look at registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer

and see if there is a Download Directory value in right panel. If so,
change it to reflect the path you want.
If not there, add Download Directory (String) value and set it's data.

I have mine set as follows:

Download Directory REG_EXPAND SZ %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\My

I use the %USERPROFILE% environment variable, in case I move my profile
Internet Explorer remembers the last folder that was used.

Simply change it.

When the Save As dialog opens, navigate to the folder that you want to use.

It will open to that folder the next time.

Or you can do this...

Specify the Default Internet Explorer Download Directory

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
