Windows XP Downgrade from windows XP professional to XP Home Edition

Mar 1, 2008
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Hi I want to downgrade my OS from windows XP professional to XP Home Edition.
XP Pro in in drive "C:" and I want to install XP Home to same drive.
I am having NTFS file systems.

Will all my data in drive "D: & E:" remain safe after this installation ?
Yes all data on the " D + E " drives will still be there . Make sure that all the info you need on drive C is transfered to D or E , that is any odd files that you may have forgotten about . Then you just put the XP cd in a drive and follow the on screen prompts . I'd reformat the C drive when asked what to do as this will leave you a nice clean base for instillation .
Why do you want to downgrade ? Xp Pro is a better os than Home .

And use XP64 if you can! It has the 2003 server kernel and doesn't fall over like XP32. MS were doing a free upgrade a while back for anyone wanting to swap there XP32bit for XP64.