Doughnut Chart & Conditional Formats

  • Thread starter Thread starter worzell
  • Start date Start date


I want to great a doughnut chart with 12 equally size 'segments' (Jan
- Dec).

For each month the value will be either blank (for a future month) or
Red, Amber or Green.

I then want each segment to be coloured based on it's RAG status and
filled with a label that says R, A or G.

Is this possible?!?!

Many Thanks,


P.S. I have seen from some of the other posts on here that it is
possible to conditionally format a bar chart, try as I might however I
have been unable to make it work for a doughnut chart!

You need to create a set of data that is 12*4 rows long. That is 4 rows per
month. 1 of each of the 4 rows will contain a 1 depending upon whether the
data for that month is Blank/R/A or G.

You then need to format the points in the donut. Select the series and then
select the first point, use the Right Arrow to move through the points.
Format the 1/5/9 etc point in the colour that corresponds to the data so for
example white if representing blank data or Red if representing R. Repeat
for the other points.

In order to label the sections with the month name add another series, this
should only have 12 rows of data. all with the value 1. Move this series to
the secondary axis.
Format the series to have no fill or border. apply data labels to the

Thanks for the responses - I am still a bit confused!!

I have created the 4 rows per month which looks like this:

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun etc...
Red 1 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
Amber #N/A 1 #N/A 1 #N/A #N/A
Green #N/A #N/A 1 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Blank #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 1 1

I am struggling to turn this into a graph which is essentially one
'ring' split into 12.

Doe this make sense?!



P.S. I am working on Excel 2002.
I meant 12*4 = 48 rows worth

Jan Blank 0
Red 1
Amber 0
Green 0
Feb Blank 0
Red 0
Amber 1
Green 0
Mar Blank 0
Red 0
Amber 0
Green 1
Apr Blank 0
Red 0
Amber 1
Green 0
May Blank 1
Red 0
Amber 0
Green 0
June Blank 1
Red 0
Amber 0
Green 0

Now plot as a single series.

I tried to work on suggestion by Mr. Andy Pope. Somehow the doughnut
chart just shows 2 colors and no useful information. I am using Excel
2007 and can't understand where I went wrong...
