doubt: sql + +

  • Thread starter Thread starter Charlie Parker
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Charlie Parker

Hi there,

I'm trying to recycle myself to I'm trying to get this to work but
when I click the button a window pops up with "Could not find
ArgumentException" and "column 'reffactura' doesn't belong to the table".
Well my desktop language is spanish and in english this may differ a

I have this:

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class Form2

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

Dim GeoSQLConn As SqlClient.SqlConnection

GeoSQLConn = New SqlClient.SqlConnection()

GeoSQLConn.ConnectionString = "data source = DAVID-PORTATIL\David; initial
catalog = geoflux; integrated security = true"


Dim GeoAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT reffactura
FROM ordre", GeoSQLConn)

Dim GeoSet As DataSet = New DataSet()


Dim GeoTable As DataTable = New DataTable()

Dim nouOrdre As DataRow = GeoTable.NewRow()

nouOrdre("reffactura") = RefFactura.Text




End Sub

End Class

What's wrong?

Thanks in advance
See comments inline.

Charlie Parker said:
Hi there,

I'm trying to recycle myself to I'm trying to get this to work but
when I click the button a window pops up with "Could not find
ArgumentException" and "column 'reffactura' doesn't belong to the table".
Well my desktop language is spanish and in english this may differ a

I have this:

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class Form2

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

Dim GeoSQLConn As SqlClient.SqlConnection

GeoSQLConn = New SqlClient.SqlConnection()

GeoSQLConn.ConnectionString = "data source = DAVID-PORTATIL\David; initial
catalog = geoflux; integrated security = true"


Dim GeoAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT reffactura
FROM ordre", GeoSQLConn)

Dim GeoSet As DataSet = New DataSet()


Dim GeoTable As DataTable = New DataTable()

You just created a new DataTable, which is blank DataTable without
DataColumn being defined.

I guess you meant for a table that is in the DataSet with data filled. So,
you should find the table in the DataSet, not creating a new, blank one, as
you did below.
Dim nouOrdre As DataRow = GeoTable.NewRow()

So, the DataRow you got here does not have item corresponding to any
nouOrdre("reffactura") = RefFactura.Text

Of course the DataRow does not have a Column called "reffactura", it has no
column at all.
Here is where you got the runtime error.

Your datatabe to use is in your case:

Geoset.Tables(0) 'much more possibilities to write this


Thanks for your help, but I must confess I'm not getting the point.

Please, be patient... and correct me if I'm wrong:

1.-The connection:

Dim GeoSQLConn As SqlClient.SqlConnection

GeoSQLConn = New SqlClient.SqlConnection()

2.- The connection String:

GeoSQLConn.ConnectionString = "data source = DAVID-PORTATIL\David; initial
catalog = geoflux; integrated security = true"

3.- Open connection:


4.- From now on I'm not very sure of anyting. Let's start supposing:

4.1.- I see in tutorials that to get data from a db I need a connection, a
dataadapter and a dataset. We've seen the connection, now let's get to the

Dim GeoAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM ordre",

Question: In the Sql instruction should I use the column names separated by
commas or the asterisk is ok?

5.- The Dataset:

Dim GeoSet As DataSet = New DataSet()


6.- Well as you can see this is a db called geoflux and the table is called
ordre. This db is empty. I have a form and want to fill in the db with the
text in the textboxes. "reffactura" is a column in Table "ordre". I want to
fill the column "reffactura" with RefFactura.text containt

Question: How should I proceed?

Thanks very much for your help. Can you recommend me some tutorial with
clear examples? I am not able to learn from msdn, I'm afraid.
Please, be patient... and correct me if I'm wrong:
1.-The connection:

Dim GeoSQLConn As SqlClient.SqlConnection

GeoSQLConn = New SqlClient.SqlConnection()
Dim GeoSQLConn As new SqlClient.SqlConnection(TheConnectionString)

2.- The connection String:

GeoSQLConn.ConnectionString = "data source = DAVID-PORTATIL\David; initial
catalog = geoflux; integrated security = true"

3.- Open connection:

This should be done, only if you do something with that connection (not with
a dataadapter, that does it automaticly)
4.- From now on I'm not very sure of anyting. Let's start supposing:

4.1.- I see in tutorials that to get data from a db I need a connection, a
dataadapter and a dataset. We've seen the connection, now let's get to the

Dim GeoAdapter As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM
ordre", GeoSQLConn)

Question: In the Sql instruction should I use the column names separated
by commas or the asterisk is ok?
Commas, the * means all columns, there is no comma needed after the last

5.- The Dataset:

Dim GeoSet As DataSet = New DataSet()
Dim GeoSet as New DataSet
The way you use it is a kind of what you see done by C# people.
VB has shorter code for this

6.- Well as you can see this is a db called geoflux and the table is
called ordre. This db is empty. I have a form and want to fill in the db
with the text in the textboxes. "reffactura" is a column in Table "ordre".
I want to fill the column "reffactura" with RefFactura.text containt

Question: How should I proceed?
Creating a form with a control on it, by instance a DataGridView
You can then add your table to that by
dim bs as new BindingSource
bs.DataSource = GeoSet.Tables(0)
dgv.DataSource = bs