On a 3.0GHz processor PC with 512Mb RAM running WinXP.
Has anyone doubled their 512Mb RAM to 1024Mb and noticed the difference?
What differences did you notice in performance? Is it worth doing?
I did . Actually 512 is a good amount you really notice a difference
from 256 to 512 and I thought I woudnt notice much difference between
512 and 1 gig. I actually did. In general I would say Im using my 512
meg 2nd PC now and it runs great.
The usual thing though is its supposed to make a primary difference
with Photoshop etc like the other poster said. But I noticed it made a
huge difference in my case with power desk the file managing app that
replaces File manager. I use this ALL the time its a basic util I
install on all my PCs. The problem is it runs slower than File
Manager and often used to hang and mess up. I thought it was due to
lots of things but after updating and doing all kinds of stuff it
never seemed to improve, After going to 1 gig it improved
dramatically. It runs much smoother now. Does that mean you have to go
to 1 gig? Not really but I did notice I was fairly low in free memory
even with 512 megs so I feel like its giving me a bit more headroom.
Im even thinking of going higher since 3200 DDR has fallen in price
recently again in the 40-50 range during rebate sales since I plan to
use Photoshop more and do some video editing.
If you are a light user and 50-60 bucks is a lot of bucks for you ---
I wouldnt add that extra mem. If you have 50-60 lying around anyway
and you are a heavy user then Id probably add it to your system. I
also wouldnt add it if you are running a PC133 mem system or planning
to buy more more 2100 DDR since itll be hard to get rid off later on
and you wont get any extra money for a 1 gig ancient system.