Double space - period shortcut?

Dec 11, 2016
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First of all, my laptop's period key is shorting out and only works about half the time. The periods in my current sentences have been copy-pasted. I am looking into getting it fixed, but as it's just one key, I haven't been in a rush. I was wondering if there is a way to create a shortcut that makes a double space into a space-period automatically. Like on a smartphone. Honestly, any help would be appreciated, as I am a writer and type hundreds of sentences every day.
Hi Mouse2001,

One way round your problem would be to use the AutoCorrect function which is under the Tools tab in Word. Make sure that "Replace text as you type" is ticked. You then need to decide which is the least used symbol on your keyboard ( I would use the upper case symbol to the left of the letter Z which comes out as | ). Then in Autocorrect where it states "Replace" type in this strange symbol, or one of your choice, and where it states "With" type in the full stop ( or period, as you know it in the US). Click on "Add" to add it to the list and then "OK".

Then whenever you are typing, hit the | key and you will get a full stop (period). I don't think that you can use spaces in the AutoCorrect function but all other combinations are possible.

All the best with it.