Double nested frameset


Jerry Manner


Since this week I am using Frontpage fro the first time. I am trying to
create a double nested frameset ( so a frameset in a frameset an that
frameset in another frameset).
If I want to previwe the double nested frameset in Frontpage I don't see
anything at all. If I previwe the firtst nested frameset( so frameset in a
frameset) I can see everything. But If a place the nested frameset in a
frameset I dont see anything.
If I open my explorer window as a web page I can see on the left of the
filelist a small previwe of the double nested frameset ( then I can see
everything). But if I open the file in my IE browser I see a blanco page.

My question is:
Can Frontpage handle double nested frameset? How many levels of nested
frameset can I have in Frontpage?


Steve Easton

It's not a question of can FrontPage can handle them, it's a question of can the browser
can handle them.

What happens when you open the first frameset and then select preview in browser??

Additionally, if I'm following you correctly you would need to do it in this order.

Create a page to display in frame 3 call it pagetodisplay.htm
Create a new page name it frame3.htm and then create the frame and "set page to display"
as pagetodisplay.htm
Create a new page name it frame2.htm and then create the frame and set "page to display"
as frame3.htm
Create a new page, name it frame1.htm and then create the frame and set "page to display"
as frame2.htm

That said I'm really curious as to why you want to do this.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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curious too...
video feedback experiment? putting two mirrors facing each other

Steve Easton

Whatever it is, I would think it will be well hidden from any search engines.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed..................
...............................with a computer

curious too...
video feedback experiment? putting two mirrors facing each other


It'd be an interesting see how many framesets you could include within framesets within framesets before either your puter or brain imploded.

"To infinity...and beyond!"

ok...i better stop before someone yells or plonks me.


Jerry Manner

Jerry Manner said:

Since this week I am using Frontpage fro the first time. I am trying to
create a double nested frameset ( so a frameset in a frameset an that
frameset in another frameset).
If I want to previwe the double nested frameset in Frontpage I don't see
anything at all. If I previwe the firtst nested frameset( so frameset in a
frameset) I can see everything. But If a place the nested frameset in a
frameset I dont see anything.
If I open my explorer window as a web page I can see on the left of the
filelist a small previwe of the double nested frameset ( then I can see
everything). But if I open the file in my IE browser I see a blanco page.

My question is:
Can Frontpage handle double nested frameset? How many levels of nested
frameset can I have in Frontpage?


Steve Easton

Saline ??

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed..................
...............................with a computer
so...what was your solution?


Sherlock's 7%?

Steve Easton said:
Saline ??

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed..................
..............................with a computer
so...what was your solution?

Jerry Manner


I just rebuild the double nested frameset. That did the work.


message so...what was your solution?

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