I'd forget about a macro for this; use code in the Po Number control's
DblClick event procedure:
Const FORMNAME = "Order Details"
Dim ctrl As Control
Dim strCriteria As String
On Error Goto Err_Handler
Set ctrl = Me.ActiveControl
strCriteria = "[Po Number] = """ & ctrl & """"
DoCmd.OpenForm FORMNAME, WhereCondition:=strCriteria
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error"
Resume Exit_Here
A few words of explanation:
1. The form name is assigned to a constant FORMNAME as the value is fixed,
so there is no need to use a variable.
2. As this code is in an event procedure which only executes if the control
in question is the active control you can refer to the control by declaring
an object variable, ctrl, and then setting this to the active control, which
is returned by the form's ActiveControl property.
3. The criterion to open the Order Details form is assigned to a variable
strCriteria as this will of course change depending on what the current PO
Number is. As the PO Number is a text data type it has to be wrapped in
quotes characters when building the expression for the criterion. To include
quotes characters in a string already delimited by quotes characters you use
a pair of contiguous quotes characters "" to represent each literal quotes
4. When calling the OpenForm method, the WhereCondition argument is named
and followed by := to assign the value of the strCriteria variable to it.
This saves you having to remember where an argument appears in the argument
list and avoids extra commas having to be put in to allow for missing
5. The error handling is a basic generic way of handling any unexpected
errors and exiting gracefully if an error occurs. Often error handling will
be more complex than this and will also handle anticipated specific errors.
It's always advisable to include error handling, however, even if only basic
stuff as above. This is one big advantage code has over macros as the latter
do not include error handling. Experienced developers will almost invariable
use code rather than macros, which, while cheap and cheerful, are vey limited.
I imagine that you are familiar with inserting code in a control's event
procedure, but if not this is how it's done:
1. Select the control and open its properties sheet if its not already open.
2. Select the relevant event property and select the 'build' button (the one
on the right with 3 dots).
3. Select Code Builder in the dialogue and click OK. This step won't be
necessary if you've set up Access to use event procedures by default.
4. The VBA editor window will open at the event procedure with the first and
last lines already in place. Enter or paste in the code as new lines between
Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England
I'm sorry. I've never created a macro before, so I have no idea what any of
this means. Would it be easier to put code in the double click event? I tried
putting the statement you gave me in the WHERE clause of the macro and it
still didn't work. Are you saying that I also need to do something on the
FORM property sheet as well if I go with the Macro?
[quoted text clipped - 30 lines]
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