Thats what the license says, but it will expire as soon as Vista hits the
public market. They are just covering their butts by making it that long,
seriuosly - Do you think they are going to wait till May 2007 to release
Vista? NOT! It will be released this year, and if Vista doesdn't have any
major bugs in it- they will release it like the did XP- still had bugs until
SP1, and sp2 for that fact. We are just the test run, they are really close
to releasing it, it was suppose to already be on the market. But Microsoft
expires their produst early all the time... Keep another OS! I got mine to
Dual boot now, and All the bugs I did have are gone except for getting my
soundcard to be recongnised by Vista. I have a CS Live 24 bit. Thamks for