Tom Erskine
I have 2 docked forms using the dotnetmagic docking controls and I
need to have one the forms update a controls on the other. A simple
example would be FormA with a textbox and a button and FormB with a
listbox, both docked with dotnetmagic. When you click on
FormA.Button, it should add the text of FormA textbox to FormB
Listbox. I cannot figure out how to do this and I really need to.
Any help would be great!!
need to have one the forms update a controls on the other. A simple
example would be FormA with a textbox and a button and FormB with a
listbox, both docked with dotnetmagic. When you click on
FormA.Button, it should add the text of FormA textbox to FormB
Listbox. I cannot figure out how to do this and I really need to.
Any help would be great!!