Rolf Welskes
siince .net 3.0 Uri is highly used for access to images etc.
But in the past only there where simple Uri-Syntax, now it's complex
and I do not find anywhere in the msdn the describtion of the syntax.
For examle Uri u = new Uri(http://mypage.com) ist no problem,
but what are things like:
Uri = u = new Uri(",,/.././abc.gif") (this surely is wrong, but looks
I cannot understand this and cannot find a describtion of this syntax.
Thank you for any help.
Best Regareds
Rolf Welskes
siince .net 3.0 Uri is highly used for access to images etc.
But in the past only there where simple Uri-Syntax, now it's complex
and I do not find anywhere in the msdn the describtion of the syntax.
For examle Uri u = new Uri(http://mypage.com) ist no problem,
but what are things like:
Uri = u = new Uri(",,/.././abc.gif") (this surely is wrong, but looks
I cannot understand this and cannot find a describtion of this syntax.
Thank you for any help.
Best Regareds
Rolf Welskes