dot net or Java

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nishant
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I have to devlope a windows application with general functionality of
Web Service Interaction, Office Integration and reporting. My
expertise in both dot net and Java(Only Web application). Now my
Organisation ask me to develope a Window application and they left the
choice on me to choose the technolgy (either java or dot net).

Can any body tell me which technology I should opt?

I know few things about developing windows technology using Java but I
don,t know about reporting tool in Java. Please help me out to make a
decision in this dilema.

Please let me know if any specific feature of dot net which can help
me in this kind of application.
I have to devlope a windows application with general functionality of
Web Service Interaction, Office Integration and reporting. My
expertise in both dot net and Java(Only Web application). Now my
Organisation ask me to develope a Window application and they left the
choice on me to choose the technolgy (either java or dot net).

Can any body tell me which technology I should opt?

I know few things about developing windows technology using Java but I
don,t know about reporting tool in Java. Please help me out to make a
decision in this dilema.

Please let me know if any specific feature of dot net which can help
me in this kind of application.

You're likely to have a *much* easier time doing Office integration
with .NET. It's just better at doing interop stuff, IME.

The GUI capabilities of .NET tend to be more straightforward and more
"Windows-y" in my experience, too. You can write perfectly reasonable
GUIs in Java, but it's likely to be a bit more work.

Nishant said:

I have to devlope a windows application with general functionality of
Web Service Interaction, Office Integration and reporting. My
expertise in both dot net and Java(Only Web application). Now my
Organisation ask me to develope a Window application and they left the
choice on me to choose the technolgy (either java or dot net).

Can any body tell me which technology I should opt?

I know few things about developing windows technology using Java but I
don,t know about reporting tool in Java. Please help me out to make a
decision in this dilema.

Please let me know if any specific feature of dot net which can help
me in this kind of application.

Windows Communications Foundation (WCF), which can be used by a Windows
desktop solution or by ASP.NET solution. There are books out there on WCF.

MVP Model View Presenter (MVP), which can also be used by a Windows Desktop
or ASP.Net solution, which you should be able to find books on that too.


click 'Shows'

click 'Design Patterns Bootcamp: Model View * Patterns'

view part 1-5

If you're talking reporting, then Crystal Reports the one that integrates
into the .Net IDE may be viable for you and there are others
Nishant said:
I don,t know about reporting tool in Java.

"JasperReports" is an Open Source reporting tool for Java:
Visual (WYSIWYG) designers (iReport) are available. Supports PDF, XML,
HTML, CSV, XLS, RTF, TXT generation. Very flexible Data Sources, and
stable enough for production environments. Using it in enterprise
applications since version 0.6 (current is 3.0.0).

Best Regards