DOS Xcopy

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tom Lavedas
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Tom Lavedas

Help for the XCOPY utility's command syntax (as are almost
all OS utilities) is available by by adding a /? after the
command when issued at the command prompt, i.e. XCOPY /?.
There is also help in the desktop help (F1 key)
under 'commands, Command Reference' in the Index.

You want the /-Y switch to suppress the overwrite

xcopy "c:\path\*.*" "D:\path\*.*" /S /D /-Y

Tom Lavedas
Thanx so much. I had tried to get the help, but had
misformatted my request. Oddly, on my prior win98 and my
current winXP machines I don't need the /Y command as it
never asks if it can overwrite. Just happens in win2000.

All of the OS's should act alike - assuming it is in a
batch procedure they should NOT request overwrite
confirmation - UNLESS the CopyCMD environment variable is
set to /Y, that is ...


They should always ASK for overwrite permission at the
command prompt, UNLESS the CopyCMD setting is /-Y.

One caveat. I've not run XP for more than a few minutes
on someone else's laptop, so I really don't know what the
differences are in that OS. I currently run Win 2000 Pro
on all machines I regularly come in contact with - Oh,
except for my wife's laptop, which still has Win 98.

Tom Lavedas
Elliott said:
Thanx so much. I had tried to get the help, but had
misformatted my request. Oddly, on my prior win98 and my
current winXP machines I don't need the /Y command as it
never asks if it can overwrite. Just happens in win2000.

They 'improved' it. During the NT sequence they also folded
SCopy's capabilities into it for security, ownership, and