I wrote a utility to do this. It's not a one liner script,
unfortunately, it's a 90k console app that will reformat thousands of
files to fit your taste.
You can set a left margin, the number of spaces to indent each
paragraph, and the total number of characters per line.
It can strip x number of lines from each file, as in headers you don't
want. It removes any control characters or high ascii if selected.
Back in the old days unix-> DOS conversions left garbage characters in
the text.
The sm-doall.bat will allow you to set a directory and will format all
files to your specs. Or, without setting a directory, it will do the
same to all files you copy to the Work subdir.
I tried to make as safe as possible. It's hard coded for C: and must
be installed there. It only opens, reads, and closes your text files.
New ones are written into the New subdir.
By installed, I mean unzipped. It's a self extracting zip file. The
program uses an .ini file to remember your preferences and no files
are installed or created outside the program directory.