DOS problem when being i restore mode.

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I have what I suspect is a broken sector on my harddrive. One of the files
affected is ntoskrnl.exe i.e. one of the boot programs on the computer that
hereby terminates the logon so to say.
Went into the BIOS, selected boot frpm CD and started with XP CD and all is
fine and I select R for Restore mode that takes me into DOS.
Being there I try to make a simple COPY from a CD with the corrupted file to
WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/ but COPY cmd simple refuses with error msg ; Cannot copy
I cannot copy from CD to floppy either (access denied).
What can possibly cause the "old trusthworthy" COPY cmd to fail/refuse ?.
Any hints appreciated.
It say's below that you cannot copy to a floppy disk.
Restrictions and limitations of the Recovery Console
When you use the Windows Recovery Console, you can use only the following
items:. The root folder
. The %SystemRoot% folder and the subfolders of the Windows
installation that you are currently logged on to
. The Cmdcons folder
. The removable media drives such as the CD-ROM drive or the DVD-ROM
Note If you try to obtain access to other folders, you may receive an
"Access Denied" error message. Also, when you are using the Windows Recovery
Console, you cannot copy a file from the local hard disk to a floppy disk.
However, you can copy a file from a floppy disk or from a CD-ROM to a hard
disk, and you can copy a file from one hard disk to another hard disk.