Doom3 vpu errors 9700pro

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mark Goddard
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Mark Goddard

Is anyone else out here having lockups/VPU recovery errors, about 10- 15
mins into the game? I've tried updating drivers for the 9700pro (cat 4.9)
via chipset drivers, soundblaster drivers, even turned off fast writes and
changed the AGP ap size to 32mb. The support website for doom suggested
changing the desktop res to 800 x 600 32 bit colour i've done this and
turned off antivirus etc and all its done is make the game run a little
longer without crashing. Help is there anything else i can do. I've even
thought of upgrading to to an nvidia card (don't want to rather wait until i
get a new mb with pci x and get one of the new radeons).
Please help
It could be that my 550 watt psu failed and i'm using a 300 watt one? or
over heating?

Athlon xp 2.4+ (not overclocked)
Msi kt400 MB
1 GB ram
Soundblaster audigy player
Shappire 9700pro (cat 4.9, didn't work with others either)
Is anyone else out here having lockups/VPU recovery errors, about 10- 15
mins into the game? I've tried updating drivers for the 9700pro (cat 4.9)
via chipset drivers, soundblaster drivers, even turned off fast writes and
changed the AGP ap size to 32mb. The support website for doom suggested
changing the desktop res to 800 x 600 32 bit colour i've done this and
turned off antivirus etc and all its done is make the game run a little
longer without crashing. Help is there anything else i can do. I've even
thought of upgrading to to an nvidia card (don't want to rather wait until i
get a new mb with pci x and get one of the new radeons).
Please help
It could be that my 550 watt psu failed and i'm using a 300 watt one? or
over heating?

Athlon xp 2.4+ (not overclocked)
Msi kt400 MB
1 GB ram
Soundblaster audigy player
Shappire 9700pro (cat 4.9, didn't work with others either)
You're trying to run that lot off a 300W PSU? Madness.
Conor said:
You're trying to run that lot off a 300W PSU? Madness.


Do gooders are your most dangerous enemies. Never turn your back on the
devious bastards.

Oh and err you've got a creative soundcard ..... they make those in hell you
know! ;o)

As for the PSU I'm running more than that (XP2800+, 9700, 2 HDD's, 2 Op.
Drives 6 fans, TV Card, 1 GB RAM RAM) without problems on an Antec TruPower
330 Watt PSU, remember wattage isn't everything *quality* is very important
as well ...
Mark.... I was having the same problem. Doom3 would lockup or crash after
about 10 to 15 minutes using an AIW 9700. I just upgraded to the current
drivers on the ATI site and it seems to have corrected the problem for me.
Runing AGP ap at 512 mb (1 Gig system ram) at 640 x 480 32bit my AMD 2800+
system seems stable now. By default, on my sustem, all the graphic setting
are quite low in Doom3.
If it counts for anything, I get that error with my current windows
installation as well but under a clean install it runs fine.
Sleepy said:
Have you tried disabling VPU Recovery ? It can CAUSE problems for some
Incidentally Im running a XP2400. 768mb ram. Via chipset mobo. SbLive.
my bro's using XP2400. 512 ram. Via chipset mobo. Audigy 2. 9700 AIWpro
and neither of us have lockups using the 4.8 betas (havent bothered trying
the 4.9s)
run a clean and lean system and dont overclock your card too much with this
- my Hercules NP is 300/300 and my bro puts his up to 9800pro speeds.
Me too. D3 game aborted to the desktop when it tried to jump to a cut
scene. I updated to driver to cat 4.7 and it's fine now. I have a
Visiontek 9600XT. I run the game in medium quality at 1024x760 and it plays
ok. I might need to turn on vsync as I do get some tearing.

Me too. D3 game aborted to the desktop when it tried to jump to a cut
scene. I updated to driver to cat 4.7 and it's fine now. I have a
Visiontek 9600XT. I run the game in medium quality at 1024x760 and it plays
ok. I might need to turn on vsync as I do get some tearing.


I fixed the tearing by uping the refresh rate to 85Mhz instead of the
default 60Mhz. (using MultiRez or editing your .cfg file)

OK I figured it out, my windows reinstall idea was only working because I
forgot to install the AGP driver and once I installed that it started
crashing. So then I changed the AGP in the BIOS from 8X to 4X and it works
terrific, 9 hours straight of Doom 3 without a hitch. This on a 9700 PRo as
Hi, and thanks for the tip. What line in the doomconfig.cfg file is it that
controls the refresh rate?

Hi, and thanks for the tip. What line in the doomconfig.cfg file is it that
controls the refresh rate?


You'll have to add this line in your doomconfig.cfg file:

seta r_DisplayRefresh "85"

I put this line right before the seta image_ stuff and at the end of
the seta r_ commands. BTW: Just make sure you monitor handles whatever
rate you set it at.

You might have to make the doomconfig.cfg file "read only" so this
command "sticks" and doesn't get overwritten. Just remember you won't
be able to change any settings from within the game while this file is
read-only. (just uncheck it to toggle it off -right click /
proprieties / attributes)

The other way which I don't use, is to create a autoexe file that has
all your tweaks in it. To me it seems like more work then its worth,
where editing the doomconfig.cfg is simpler. :)


ps.. a few more lines that are handy to add:

bind f10 com_showfps 1
bind f11 com_showfps 0
com_videoram xx ] where xx equals your onboard video ram..